Google's Dart - Properties
Introduction Dart makes accessing properties easy. The following example illustrates four properties x , y , r and theta . Writing the keywords get and set make regular methods property methods. As of know Dart doesnot have keywords like private, public , protected. You can make a variable private by writing underscore in front of the variable's name. In our example _x and _y are private variables. These variables are not private to the class but to the library in which the class is declared. Even a subclass cannot access these variables if it is in a different library. To position a class or a function in a library you use library directive. In our example we have used it as follows. #library("geometry"); To import a library you have to write #import("somelibrary"); Dart also supports Scala like constructor. Point(this._x,this._y); Program #library("geometry"); void main() { print("Welcome to Dart's Prop...